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Micro Innovation Day 2024: a successful meeting of Embedded AI and Microelectronics

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On 06 June 2024, Pôle SCS organized in partnership with the ECoVEM project, the 5th Micro Innovation Day at One Point in Aix-en-Provence on a key topic: the Revolution in Microelectronics with Embedded AI.

The impact of Embedded AI on Microelectronics

In 2020, SCS launched the Micro Innovation Day conferences to present market trends in microelectronics, including technological challenges, uses and target markets.

For this 5th edition, SCS has set out to describe a value chain that shows how architectures with embedded AI are useful for both sensors and applications.

This value chain starts with embedded AI (microcontrollers in 2021), dealing with In-Memory Computing, Machine Learning for IC design or analysis of sensor data such as imagers, Edge-AI, low-consumption AI, through to ‘user’ applications combining AI, Electronics & Sensors. The link with photonics is present in the work on imagers.

Marc Bocquet from IM2NP, who had already presented his work at the 2021 edition, showed the continuation of the project with work carried out as part of the ANR NEURONIC project with C2N and CEA-Leti and which was highlighted in an article published in the journal NATURE.

Philippe Galy from STMicroelectronics presented a neural network for Edge AI based on synaptic interconnections between CMOS planes and PCM memories.

Nassim Abderrahmane from Menta spoke about advances in Edge AI architectures, following the publication of their solution in a highly instructive TRENDS IN IP / Global Semiconductor Alliance document on the theme of “embedded FPGAs / Emergence of Chiplet Business”.

At Thales Digital Identity and Security, embedded AI is everywhere (in satellites, radio systems, etc.) Ali Zeamari, Director of Biometrics and Embedded Electronics Innovation shared his experience of developing a biometric algorithm based on deep learning and executed in a secure element.

Javier Gil-Quijano of the CEA presented the new AIDGE innovation platform, funded by the French Directorate General for Companies (DGE): he spoke about the various use cases with on-board AI (multifunction motion sensor, pollution sensor, etc.).

Edouard Dulau, Head of the EdgeAI Expertise Centre at STMicroelectronics, described the specific features of EdgeAI, which opens up new application avenues for equipment, with concrete examples of applications, and the developments and challenges of this approach, which complements Cloud AI. Through feedback, Edouard also discusses the process and tips for ensuring the success of an embedded AI project.

Sylvain Duisit from PELLENC ST, who has been very active in the development of our new Photonics/Imaging roadmap, showed what AI applied to waste sorting is all about, combining NIR/VIS image sensors, edge computing and AI for this sector with its many technological challenges. Innovations that provide more and more answers to market constraints, particularly regulatory ones!

The final key topic of the morning was new jobs in microelectronics, with Laurent Renaux from the Campus d’Excellence Industrie du futur – Sud focusing on NOVMICRO#2, the innovation programme to develop and promote the training sector, with training modules open to all and free of charge – and ongoing initiatives to promote diversity in microelectronics to encourage young women to join the sector.

Marielle Campanella, head of European projects at SCS rounded off the morning’s conference by presenting the microelectronics training courses developed as part of the European ECoVEM project. She spoke about the representation of women in the microelectronics sector and presented the figures from a McKinsey study on tech companies in Europe.

Thank you to our speakers, participants and the Région Sud – Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur for their support. See you at Micro Innovation Day VI in 2025.

Focus on previous Micro Innovation Days

The SCS Micro Innovation Day conferences were launched in 2020, one a year on the following themes, in line with the SCS Microelectronics Roadmap:

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